Our ultimate goal is to provide portfolios with long-term, top-quartile performance potential. To that end, all teams must establish clear risk and return expectations. Portfolios and managers are monitored continually, and results are formally reviewed twice a year to assess adherence to strategy, product viability, and performance.
Help protect your clients' savings and withstand market volatility.
Our approach — thoughtfully action oriented, performance driven and risk aware, is achieved through a culture where ideas are exchanged, innovation is rewarded and research drives performance.
Get DetailsThe untapped power of women as financial actors has the potential to dramatically expand the market for financial products and services while improving the lives of women and their communities. Indeed, financial inclusion is relevant at every level of the income pyramid, and within developed and developing countries alike.
Read MoreOur retirement benefit contributes 5% of your total annual accumulated capital (including bonuses) to your account, without requiring you to make any contribution at all. YES, you read that right because nothing comes out from your paycheck when crediting your retirement benefit. Traders Herald makes the entire 5% contribution because we take your future as seriously as you do.