Terms & Conditions

You should read the terms and conditions of this Agreement carefully, as your access and use of the website are expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of these terms. In using this website, you agree to the below terms, if you do not agree to them you should exit this website now. traders herald may refuse access to and usage of the website to anyone at any time, in its sole discretion.

Target Audience
This website is directed exclusively at Professional Clients and Retail investors from various part of the globe. Any business carried out by traders herald for or with its clients is done in the client's capacity as a Professional Client. Traders herald is authorised to directly deal with retail investors and Professional Clients, any distribution of our portfolios to retail investors is facilitated by fund distributors with which traders herald has entered distribution arrangements, based on the documents traders herald provides. Traders herald makes no representations that materials at this website are appropriate for use in all locations, or that products or services discussed at this website are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions, or by all investors or counterparties. Those who access this website do so at their own initiative, and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws or regulations.

No Investment Advice
The contents of this website have been prepared solely for general information purposes and should not be considered as a statement on any matter and should not be relied upon as such nor should it be construed as specific investment advice, an opinion or recommendation. Nothing herein constitutes advice to purchase a particular investment or advice in relation to the tax consequences of any action, and independent professional advice should be taken before any course of action is pursued.

No Solicitation
The information contained in this web site shall not be considered an offer to sell or a solicitation to acquire or dispose of an interest in any financial instrument.

Performance Risks
The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and an investor may not get back the full amount of their original investment. Where an investment involves a foreign currency, changes in exchange rates may also cause the value of an underlying investment to fall or rise. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. All returns are gross of fees and subject to rounding. If fees were taken into account, returns would be lower.

Traders Herald Disclaimer
The portfolios selected may change periodically at traders herald’s discretion. For administrative purposes, graphs, portfolio statistics and portfolio valuation characteristics included in traders herald’s documents utilise ratios and data from portfolios that traders herald believes are illustrative of its investment programme. Although traders herald attempts to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, traders herald makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to whether information provided on or via this website is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Users should note that traders herald has no control over third-party web-pages linked to or from these web-pages and will accept no liability in respect of third-party web pages. Traders herald reserves the right to modify or discontinue the website without notice, or change the terms and conditions governing your access to and use of this website (including this Agreement), at any time and your continued use of the website following such a change shall be deemed to evidence your acceptance of the change. Traders herald reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access to the pages of this site without notice at any time and accepts no responsibility for these pages not being available at all times.

Ownership of Website and Copyright
The traders herald website is owned by traders herald. The traders herald website and any and all accompanying screens, information, materials, user documentation, user interfaces, images, arrangements of information, related software and other proprietary property of traders herald or its licensors accessible via the website is and shall remain the exclusive property of traders herald and its licensors, as the case may be. All rights to the website remain with traders herald or its licensors. This website is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from this website.

Unauthorized Access
This website is not absolutely protected against unauthorized third parties. You acknowledge that any information provided through the internet may be potentially accessed by unauthorized third parties. Although traders herald will make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of users of this website, no guarantee can be made that unauthorized third parties will not access the information contained on the website, Although traders herald has documented every information of all traders herald’s Investors and all intact.You acknowledge that traders herald is not responsible for notifying you that unauthorized third parties have gained such access or that any data has been otherwise compromised during transmission across computer networks or telecommunications facilities, including, but not limited to, the internet. Portions of the website are password-protected and are accessible only to users who have been issued passwords by an authorized representative of traders herald and who meet the applicable investor suitability, experience and sophistication requirements. Password-protected portions of the website may contain performance information for the investment funds managed by traders herald. Users of the password-protected portion of the website acknowledge that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Do not enter the password-protected portion of the website through use of your User I.D. and password unless the terms and conditions of this Agreement are acceptable to you. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to such parts of our website, or to any other protected materials or information, through any means not intentionally made available by traders herald for your specific use. If you are issued a password, you agree that you will treat and maintain this information confidentially and will not permit others to sign onto the website through the use of the User I.D. and Password assigned to you. You accept full responsibility for any use of your Password, and will notify us immediately of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your Password. The User I.D. and Password are personal for your use only, and any violation of the terms of this Agreement shall permit traders herald to immediately suspend or terminate your further access to the website.

Limitation of liability
In no event will traders herald be liable for any damages, or for repairs or corrections that must be performed, to or on your computer, person or other property, including, without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the website or use thereof or the inability by any party to use such website, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if traders herald, or representatives thereof, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses.

Recording of Communications
Telephone communications or conversations between traders herald and its clients that result or may result in transactions will be recorded.

Account Opening Information and Requirements
When you register for the aforementioned Services, traders herald will ask you to provide certain identifying information, as part of the account opening procedure that will allow us to identify you and categorize you according to the "Client Classification Policy" of traders herald. You acknowledge your willingness to share with traders herald certain private information which it uses for the purpose of confirming your identity and categorizing you according to the "Client Categorisation Policy". This information is collected in line with our stringent verification procedures which are used to deter international money laundering operations and to ensure the security and safety of our customers’ trading activity throughout and is subject to traders herald’s "Privacy Policy". If you are registering as a legal entity, you hereby declare that you have the authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. traders herald will treat with care the information you entrust to the Company, in accordance with the disclosures it provides during the Registration process and in its Privacy Policy. By registering with traders herald, you confirm and agree that you consent to the use of all or part of the information you supply concerning your Investment account, the transactions you undertake through it and the interactions which you perform with traders herald on behalf of traders herald. All interactions you undertake with traders herald will be stored by the Company for the purposes of record keeping, as required by the Law and may be employed by traders herald in cases that disputes arise between you and traders herald or on request by CySEC or any other competent authority. Please note, opening of fake, duplicate or false accounts for commission purpose can lead to termination of accounts without notice.

Guarantees On Behalf of the Client
You state, confirm and guarantee that any funds handed to traders herald for Investing purposes, belong exclusively to you , originate from a Crypto Wallet or other source which is in your name and are free of any lien, charge, pledge or any other burden. Further, whatever funds handed over to traders herald by you are not in any manner whatsoever directly or indirectly proceeds of any illegal act or omission or product of any criminal activity. You act for yourself and not as a representative or a trustee of any third person, unless you have produced, to the satisfaction of the Company, a document and/or powers of attorney enabling you to act as representative and/or trustee of any third person. You agree and understand that in the event that traders herald has such proofs that are adequate to indicate that certain amounts, as classified above, received by you are proceeds from illegal acts or products of any criminal activity and/or belonging to a third party, the Company reserves the right to refund these amounts to the sender, either this being you or a beneficial owner of a legal entity. Furthermore, you also agree and understand that traders herald may reverse any Transactions performed in your Investment Account and may terminate this agreement. traders herald reserves the right to take any legal action against you to cover and indemnify itself upon such an event and may claim any damages caused to traders herald by you as a result of such an event. You declare that you are 21 years of age or older, in case of a natural person, and that you have full legal capacity, to enter into this Agreement. You understand and accept that all transactions in relation to Investing in any of the Financial Instruments, will be performed only through the Investing Platforms provided by traders herald and the Financial Instruments are not transferable to any other Investing Platform whatsoever. You guarantee the authenticity and validity of any document handed over by you to traders herald. You understand and accept that traders herald is unable to provide you with any legal advice or assurances in respect of your use of the Services and traders herald makes no representations whatsoever as to the legality of the Services in your jurisdiction.

Financial Information
Through one or more of its Services, traders herald makes available to you a wide range of financial information that is generated internally, from agents, suppliers or partners ("Third Party Providers"). This includes, but is not limited to financial market data, quotes and news, analyst opinions and research reports, graphs and data ("Financial Information"). The financial information provided on traders herald’s website is not intentional investment advice. The Company and its Third Party Providers do not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequencing of the financial information, or results of your use of this financial information. The financial information may promptly become unreliable for various reasons, including, for instance, changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. It is your responsibility to verify the reliability of the information on traders herald’s website and its suitability for your needs. We exclude all liability for any claim, damage or loss of any kind caused by information contained in traders herald’s website or referenced by traders herald’s website.

Inactive/Dormant Account Procedure
You acknowledge and confirm that any investing account held with traders herald in which you have not placed any investment for a period greater than two months shall be classified by traders herald as an Inactive Account and further get blocked. You further agree that any Inactive Accounts, having zero balance/equity, may also be considered as Dormant Accounts and shall also be subject to cancellation of existing and/or unused Bonuses. For the reactivation of an Inactive and/or Dormant Account you must contact traders herald. The Inactive and/or Dormant Account will then be reactivated subject to, if required, up-to-date client identification documentation to be provided to traders herald.

Statements contained in this sales material that are not historical facts are based on our current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions or beliefs. Such statements are not facts and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors. Prospective investors should not rely on these statements as if they were fact. Certain information contained in this sales material constitutes “forward-looking statements,” which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “target,” “estimate,” “intend,” “continue,” “forecast,” or “believe” or the negatives thereof or other variations thereon or other comparable terminology. Due to various risks and uncertainties, including those described in the prospectus, actual events or results or our actual performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. No representation or warranty is made as to fut ure performance or such forward-looking statements. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in these forward-looking statements, the inclusion of this information should not be regarded as a representation by us or any other person that our objectives and plans, which Tradersherald considers to be reasonable, will be achieved.

Risk Management

Tradersherald believes that risk management and compliance are integral parts of our assessment for strategic and operational activities. Therefore, we aim to generate value while maintaining an appropriate risk profile. For instance, Vessel vetting is carried out as per the latest maritime industry guidelines & international regulations. All marine vessels intended for spot and time charter business on behalf of Tradersherald shall be vetted and approved by our Marine Quality Assurance team prior to conducting business. We inspect existing and proposed vessels for quality control and assurance according to OCIMF guidelines. Such inspections help our organization to promote ship safety and ensure consistent quality of service and ensuring our investors interests are met.